Sunday, December 29, 2013

January Challenge: Arms & Legs

Here is a fun challenge to help you start out 2014 with your fitness goals in mind!  Tighten that tush and tone those arms!  Follow me on Facebook for daily accountability and more instructions on the moves.
Mondays = Mountain Climber Mondays
Tuesdays = Tricep Dip Tuesdays
Wednesdays = Wall Sit Wednesdays
Thursdays = Tricep Push-Up and Push-Up Thursdays
Friday = Front Lunges Fridays
Saturdays = Sumo Burpee and Squat Saturdays
Sundays = Rest or Snooze Sundays

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What is Shakeology?

I do a lot of Facebook and Instagram posts about Shakeology.  Many people have no idea what I am talking about, and think that I must be referring to some type of protein shake.  I'm here to give a little bit more of an explanation. :)

While Shakeology does have protein, it is not "just a protein shake."  It is much more.  One scoop of Shakeology will give you all the vitamins you need for the day along with many other benefits.  Shakeology also helps:
  • Curb cravings:  Although I do my best to eat well, I am not perfect.  I still get cravings.  If I can refrain from opening my husband's treat cupboard (yes, a cupboard), and instead have a Shakeology, I am fine.  There are times I don't have the restraint, but when I do have Shakeology, I feel so much better and I'm able to kick the cravings to the curb.
  • Save time:  Shakeology is meant to be a MEAL replacement.  Some days I have it for breakfast.  It has all the nutrition I need, and keeps me full.  Some days I have it for lunch or dinner.  Who likes not having to cook?  This girl.
  • Save money!  I will be 100% honest.  Before getting hooked on Shakeology myself, I took a look at the price and closed the internet browser I was using.  Ha!  Yeah right.  I was NOT going to pay that much for a "protein shake."  I personally paid about $40 for more than a 30 day supply, thank you very much.  Little did I know the health benefits associated with Shakeology.  I have always had problems with regularity.  Yep, TMI.  Shakeology is jam packed with nutrients that give you fiber, help you eat clean, and pays for one of your meals.  It is about $4.30 per shake when you break down the cost.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you were to go buy all those vitamins, supplements, and natural ingredients from a grocery store (especially if they were organic), you'd be paying a heck of a lot more.  When you go through a drive thru, you're definitely paying more than $5 for a meal that is not even comparable in nutritional value (and more than 5x the calories).  Not only is the price very reasonable once you compare those costs, but it will help you save money on medical bills.
  • Keep the weight off!  Shakeology is not just a weight loss drink.  It is a nutritional supplement.  Yes, it will help you lose weight.  The great thing about Shakeology though is that it is beneficial even after you are finished losing the weight.  Its health benefits far outweigh the "weight loss" benefits.
Usually when we diet, we cut calories. Cutting calories is a sure way to lose weight, and it worked for me. We do well with cutting calories for a couple of weeks; however, when we cut calories from our diets, we get ornery and tired because we are also cutting out nutrients that we need! We end up binging and giving up. I know this cycle well. I went through it for more than four years before I found Beachbody. Nutrition is 80% of weight loss. If we can't control what we eat, we will have a difficult time losing weight. Shakeology is such an amazing solution because it helps us cut calories while still getting all the nutrition we need. I have yet to find a time where I don't feel full after finishing my shake.
Case in point, Shakeology helps us eat well, which leads to a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss is a byproduct of improved health! Being healthy is a way of life. I personally have never felt better.
Because Shakeology is so packed with nutrients, you may have an "adjustment" period while your body rids itself of toxins. I took a digestive enzyme (found at a natural food's store) which helped tremendously! I personally have a sensitive stomach, but now that my body has adjusted, I am fine. I just wasn't used to having so many saturated nutrients in one sitting. :)
Please email me if you would like to try Shakeology!  You can buy it through Beachbody at, or click on the picture above.  It may sound like a big investment, but the great thing is that Beachbody will let you try it for 30 days.  If you decide it's not for you, you can get your money back - even if you've finished the bag.  If you'd like to try a smaller amount before purchasing a bag, please send me an email,  I have single serving packets that you can purchase before buying.  The packets are $5 each.  I do recommend trying it for 4-5 days.  One day is not enough time for your body to react to the nutritional benefits.  I promise you one thing, your body is worth the investment.  It has helped me tremendously.  When will you start giving your body the health it deserves?

Monday, July 1, 2013

5 Day Shakeology Challenge

Who's up for a challenge?! If you've wanted to try Shakeology, here's your chance! Shakeology is my favorite meal of the day. It is jam packed with all kinds of nutrients. The first week I tried Shakeology, I lost 4 pounds. It removed a lot of toxins, and I felt incredible. 

Be the one of the first ten to let me know you're in, and you'll get a FREE Shakeology shaker cup! All participants will get 5 packets of Shakeology (choice of chocolate, tropical strawberry, or NEW VANILLA - mix and match). I only have a limited number of spots available! For this challenge you must:
➡Replace Shakeology with one meal for 5 days. 
➡Take your before and after weight and measurements
➡Have me (Kimi Gustafson) signed up as your coach on team (free account)
➡No treats!
➡Exercise (even walking) for the 5 days.

Are you up for the challenge?! If so, email me ASAP so you can get your free shaker cup! Cost is $29 for the 5 Shakeology packets. Email me at Did I mention there will be a prize for the winner?!

⭐This challenge will run July 8th through the 12th (perfect timing for post 4th of July celebrations)! If you live in Northern Utah, I can meet you to give you the packets by Friday. If you need yours shipped, it will cost an extra $5, and you are welcome to do the challenge the following week!

If you would like to purchase a full 30 day supply, email me and I will still give you the shaker cup for free.

*This challenge is only available for non-coaches! If you have questions about becoming a coach, let me know! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Focus T25

Today Beachbody released a new workout program, Focus T25.  Every workout is 25 minutes!  I am so excited about this.  The trainer is Shaun T., the same trainer from the Insanity videos.  I ordered mine tonight.  I would love to have others to do this program with me, so leave a comment or email me at if you would like to accept the challenge!  Time is a major factor for most people in working out, and 25 minutes is so doable.  The workouts are supposed to be just as challenging, and the focus group had amazing results.

Here's a video explaining more about this 90 day program:

To order, visit

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Turbo Fire ON SALE!

Guess what? My FAVORITE workout program is on sale right now for an AMAZING price! Normally Turbo Fire is $80, but it is on sale right now for $53! The price is insane, and it won't last long! Two of the other summer specials have already sold out! Don't miss it!

To order, go to Click on shop, then summer sale. Turbo Fire will be right at the top! This price INCLUDES the lower body and resistance band. The regular Turbo Fire program does not include the bands. This sale price also includes 3 workouts that aren't normally in the regular program.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Diet

Here are some of the things that I eat.  I am definitely not perfect in this area, but I have come to understand that if can control myself 90% or more of the time, then I can continue to lose weight.  Diet is most of losing weight, and I've learned a lot in the process.  There's always room for improvement, and I am always learning new things.  This is just what worked for me.

One thing I've learned is that I can work out as hard as I want, but if I'm not watching what I eat, I will just maintain.  Now maintaining is good, but it is super easy to gain if I'm not working out.

I must also say that if you are looking for a diet full of unprocessed foods, I am not perfect in that area either.  It is definitely doable, and I give major props to those clean eaters out there!  I myself would go insane.  Okay, maybe not, but I do what I can.  I am a mom and work full time as a teacher, so I have to keep things on hand that I can eat without blowing it!  I don't know how many times I've stocked celery in the fridge only to find out it has withered away the next time I take a look at it. 

First things first, you NEED to figure out how many calories you should be eating.  This has been one of my main problems!  I'd eat 1100 calories or less, and lose really well for a couple weeks.  Then I'd get so worn out because I wasn't feeding my body enough.  My body would freak out, and stop losing because it was going into starvation mode.  I told myself that I couldn't lose weight, and that I had a terrible metabolism.  Sound familiar?  Well, this went on for years for me.  I'd do this, lose 10 pounds, give up, and gain back 15.  I'd get depressed, commit myself yet again, then blow it in a few weeks as the same cycle happened.

You may be asking yourself, how in the world do you know how many calories to eat?  Well, here's a perfect solution.  There's an app (it's online too if you don't have a smart phone) called My Fitness Pal.  I absolutely love it.  When you set it up, it will ask you how much you weigh, how much you want to lose, and how much you want to lose weekly.  I have 1.5 lbs calculated.  Every time you lose 10 pounds, it will ask you to reset your goals.  You can go in online and set up your carbs, protein, and fat percentages.  To me, this was actually really helpful.  I decreased my carbs to 55% (this is low enough for me to lose, but keeps me sane - plus, if you are working out hard, you need carbs - healthy carbs - to give you energy), my fat to 20%, and my protein to 25%.  I heard once that you should aim to eat over 100 grams of protein daily to lose weight.  For me, it worked.  This is hard to do unless you add some type of protein bar or protein shake to your diet (I'll get to this later).  To type in your meals into My Fitness Pal, you can either "search" for what you ate, or if it has a barcode, you can simply scan the barcode.  Every day that you "complete" your meals, it will say, "If every day were like today, you'd way ______ lbs. in five weeks."  If you eat too few calories, it will give you a warning.  Another part I like is that you can view the grams and mg of what you have eaten for the day such as sugar, sodium, fiber, etc.  I didn't realize how much sodium I was eating until this.  It was an eye opener!  I am not as consistent with using MFP now, but I used it super consistent when I was starting out.  Now that I'm in a habit, I will use it during times that I need motivation or I want to track to make sure I'm eating the right amount of calories.  I strongly recommend using some type of app like this if you want to lose weight.  Some people despise counting calories, but it is a necessity in my opinion.  You need to have an idea of what you are eating, making sure your fiber is on track, how much protein you're eating, etc.

Now onto my meals....

Most days I do cereal and a fruit.  I know I should also have eggs, which I do on the weekends.  I'm usually running out the door because I am not a morning person.  Anyway, my two favorite cereals are Quaker Oatmeal Squares (hint of brown sugar) and Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran (you can find this at Associated Food stores and Target).

When I have eggs, I usually put in 1 whole egg and 2 additional egg whites.  I buy the eggs that say "grain fed."  I have found that if I don't, I get a stomach ache.  I usually add a little bit of fat free milk, some veggies if I have any on hand (mushrooms, green peppers, etc.), and add seasoned salt (less sodium), pepper, garlic, and dill weed.  I put medium salsa on the eggs.  I have made an egg casserole in the past, then heated up the eggs in the morning for a few days.

Oatmeal is good too.  You can make your own if you want by just adding 1/3 cup with water to your liking (I usually do just enough to cover the oatmeal) and heat it for 1 min, 30 sec.  You can add in cinnamon and truvia/stevia, etc.  I also like to keep the "low sugar" oatmeal packets on hand for convenience.

As for the fruit, I have a banana or a fruit cup.  At the store, you can get the individual fruit cups for a good price (and even use coupons if you're a couponer - I go through cycles with coupons).  I like the peaches with cinnamon and brown sugar.  I like buying these because I can keep them in my desk at school, or I can grab one out of the fridge and eat it in the morning before school starts.  My fourth graders are used to seeing me with a red Dixie cup of cereal in the morning.  Yep, I do what I can.  This way, I can throw the cup away and not worry about taking a bowl home to wash.  That, or you could be a responsible adult and eat breakfast before you leave for work - either way.  ;)

Snack - 2-3 hours later
You need to fuel your body often.  This doesn't mean you eat 700 calories at every meal, but instead eat small meals throughout the day.  If I didn't work, I would ideally have my protein shake in the morning.  I could take a Magic Bullet to work, but since my morning recess is 10 minutes, I'm usually busy that whole time.  Here are a few of the options I do (not ALL, just pick one or find one of your own):
  • Protein bar - find a lower sugar kind.  There are some sugar free kinds sold online or at health food stores called Doctor's CarbRite Diet.  I personally like the brownie best, but the mint chocolate and cookie dough are also good.  I buy these online at  They end up being a little over $1/bar.  Beachbody also sells protein bars.  You can click on the link to the right to order if you would like.  I have heard the P90X bars are good.
  • Reduced Fat Wheat Thins (12) and a string cheese OR a laughing cow cheese wedge (I really like the strawberry and the cinnamon cream).
  • Protein Shake - I recently started Shakeology and LOVE it.  It is yummy!  It is a bit expensive, but well worth the price.  The first week I did this, I lost 5 lbs. without changing my other exercises (usually losing about 1-2 lbs. a week).  Now you can't expect to lose this much weekly, and it's not good for your body to lose that much every week, but Shakeology is so good for you.  I put it off for forever because of the price, but I decided to give it a try.  I am SO glad I did.  I only wish I'd done it earlier!  I justified it by saying that it was a Mother's Day gift, and I am glad I did it.  If you can find room in your budget, DO IT!  Try it for one month, and see how you like it.  Click on the Beachbody link on the right if you'd like to give it a try.  I MUST GIVE YOU A WARNING:  Shakeology is so nutritious, and you will feel great; however, we all know what happens when you load up on a bunch of healthy nutrients... For heavens sake, it says "Like a trip to the salad bar, with 5 plates."  So... I will let you figure out what can happen, and I will just say that it doesn't smell great.  There, I said it.  TAKE A DIGESTIVE ENZYME (found at a health food store) with Shakeology, or you will be trapped at home.  :)  A little too open?  Don't say I didn't warn you.  In my shakes, I add 1.5 cups of unsweetend almond milk and either peanut butter, 2 tbsp. of sugar free/fat free Jello Cheesecake powder, frozen cherries from Sam's Club, or canned pumpkin.  Try different things in it, and find out what you like!
  • Low Fat Yogurt and Fruit (or veggie).  If you are really watching your carbs, buy a low carb yogurt.  Smith's sells a Kroger brand that is good for low carb.  I like adding some low fat granola to my yogurt so that it feels more like a treat.
  • 1/2 a toasted sandwich flat (explained in lunch) with a laughing cow cheese wedge spread over the top.
  • Peanut Butter (natural) and celery or apple slices- I LOVE the peanut butter machine at Smith's!  It is like a soft serve machine for peanut butter. 
For lunch I typically eat the same thing!  Yes, I am boring.  Switch it up if you like!  I keep my sandwich stuff in the fridge at work so I don't have to prepack a lunch.  I typically have a sandwich, sugar free jello (yes, I am aware some people are completely against sugar free - I do what I can), and an apple or orange.
  • For my sandwich, I buy the sandwich flats.  These are in the bread section, but are flat buns.  It helps with the carb factor!  I also change it up sometimes and do a La Banderita LOW CARB wrap.  These taste the best to me.  You can find them at Smith's or Walmart.  I often use these for dinner as well.
  • I like Hormel turkey the best.  You can get whatever, just watch the sodium!
  • You can also do canned chicken or tuna with LIGHT mayo.  I add a little bit of mustard to mine.
  • I add tomatoes, avocado, sprouts, etc.  Yum! 
  • You can also do a frozen dinner, leftovers, a salad, etc.  Be as creative as you like!  Me personally - I am good with a sandwich!  Subway is great as well.  If you do go out, don't do it often.  Yes, I eat out at times.  I need my sanity.  Just be reasonable.  Don't starve yourself.  If you order a salad, ask for light dressing.
Have another snack here.  If you didn't do a protein bar or shake for your morning snack, have one here for sure.  Try not to have fruit too late, unless it is close to the time you work out.  I have found that if I do have fruit in the evening, I am totally fine and it gives me energy for my workout.  Be reasonable with yourself.  Don't give strict rules to yourself.  Having fruit as an afternoon snack is not going to sabotage your diet - just try to have it earlier if possible.  If not, don't stress and eat the dang orange.

I try to be reasonable here.  I used to think I could only have grilled chicken and veggies every night in order to lose weight, which is another reason my dieting didn't last long.  Keep it real.  You might have a family to feed.  Yes, you need to feed your family healthy, but if you are losing weight, you don't want to "punish" everyone.  Being on a diet doesn't mean you are depriving yourself.  You are simply finding new options to be part of your lifestyle.  Switch your sour cream to reduced fat or use Greek yogurt instead.  Have a veggie with your meals.  Veggies can be so versatile!  I love baking spaghetti squash in the summer and eating it for a few days.  I even know people who use spaghetti squash as the "noodles" for spaghetti or pasta.  I personally buy wheat noodles, and have few for myself.  Your family could just have more.  I also like broccoli with parmesan cheese sprinkled on the top.  Here are a few of the meals that we eat:
  • Chicken Alfredo - buy the Ragu Light Parmesan sauce.  Buy wheat noodles (doesn't even have to be fettucine, we like penne or rotini).  This may sound odd, but we add green beans to ours.  It is really good.  Cook the grean beans beforehand, drain them, and dump them in.
  • Tacos - we have this quite a bit.  Use the La Banderita low carb wraps for the tortilla.  Get lean ground beef or turkey burger.  I add dried onions to mine.  Adding the taco seasoning just adds more sodium, so we don't do that.  Add black beans (rinsed or low sodium), salsa or pico, guacamole (I like Wholly Guacamole), lettuce, and red. fat sour cream.  My husband adds ranch to his.  You can add a little mozzarella if you'd like.
  • Any grilled meat (flank steak, chicken, or pork chops) and veggies.  A potato is fine, just watch the toppings and don't do it every night.  We buy a seasoning that is called Spade L.  It is a rub.  I know it has sodium, etc. but the flavor is really good.  I typically will buy a bunch of meat, put the Spade L on it in the freezer bag, and it marinates while it freezes.  When I grill it, it doesn't even have to be thawed all the way before grilling.
  • Hamburgers using lean ground beef on sandwich flats.  Again, use light mayo.  My husband adds cheese, I don't.  Add any toppings you want.
  • Chicken Fajitas are great.  You can use the low carb wraps or get small wheat tortillas.
  • Rice Bowls - I love these as a quick go-to meal.  I buy the Uncle Ben's small brown rice bags that heat in 90 seconds.  Again, convenience.  If you want to make the rice, go ahead.  :)  Again, working mom and sanity.  Do 1 cup or LESS (ideally 1/2 cup - depends on how many calories you need).  Add 1/4 cup black beans (rinsed or low sodium), 2 tbsp. corn (I keep some in the freezer so I don't waste a can every time we have this), 1 tbsp. guacamole, 1 tbsp. sour cream, pico (optional).  Mix and enjoy!
  • Pizza on pitas:  Make personal pizzas on pitas.  Add low sodium tomato sauce, dash of garlic and Italian seasoning, 1/4 cup or less of mozzarella cheese, and any toppings (sliced ham or turkey, pineapple, green peppers, grilled chicken, etc.).  Kids would love doing this, and heck - let them have pepperoni.  Cook on 350 until cheese is melted and toppings are soft (green peppers, etc.).  Usually about 15 minutes.
We do more options than this and I will post more as I can.  But honestly, take what you usually eat and find ways to modify to make healthier options.  It is totally doable!

Watch your calorie intake and adjust as needed.  DO NOT GET TOO LOW ON CALORIES.  It will not help in the long run.  You will be hungry, ornery, and your body will freak out.  If you're working out, eat a little bit more.  I personally eat about 1500 calories per day.

Last, but not least, give yourself one cheat meal a week.  I weigh in on Saturdays, so I usually have my cheat meal for lunch or dinner on Saturday.  This doesn't mean you go to the buffet and eat every dessert in sight.  Still make healthy choices, but this is a time to reward yourself.  It helps your body not plateau.  I treat myself with a Cafe Rio salad, and only eat a little bit of the shell.  Whatever you like and can look forward to for the weekend!

Your diet will not be perfect.  Mine sure isn't.  I make mistakes.  I am human.  I love chocolate.  The trick is to not overdo it.  Don't get mad at yourself it you have a treat.  Just watch it the rest of the day.  Don't give up and sabotage yourself.  Get back on track.  If you have a bad day, start over tomorrow.  Don't wait until Monday!  Fix it, get over it, and move on.  Like I said before, just do your best 90% of the time.  I personally eat better when I am working out, so I try to always get that in - even if it's short!

Please let me know if you have any questions!  I would love to help!  YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Why do you want to lose weight?

The first step to losing weight is figuring out WHY you want to lose weight.  You may think it sounds pretty obvious - I want to look better!  But, you need to do a lot of thinking and map out WHY you want to "look better."  It is harder than you think.  Write down the reasons why.  Don't just keep a mental note.  You need to be able to look at your reasons at moments of weakness.

I successfully lost about 15 pounds before I got married.  I hired a trainer, and she was fantastic.  I didn't have to do any thinking.  She told me what to eat, when to work out, and what to do every step of the way.  Piece of cake.  I dropped the pounds fast!  After I "finished," I didn't know what to do next.  I should have known, right?  I had followed her plan for 12 weeks.  I should have had it down.  I finally figured out my problem (years later).  I didn't have to be responsible to anyone anymore.  I could cheat and eat whatever I wanted without any repercussions.  Wrong.  The scale magically had a higher number every time I stepped on it.  The bottom line was that I hadn't figured out the WHY in my journey.  I just knew I wanted a smaller size of jeans.  Who doesn't?

More to the story... I gained 40 pounds fast!  I went through cycles of losing and regaining, still not knowing why I wanted to lose the weight.  Also, I hadn't found my "soul mate workout."  This is different for everyone, and I will get more into that later.  I even went as far as thinking I must have some major medical issue to have gained so much so fast.  Hypothyroidism, etc.  Yes, some people do have medical issues, and I do have empathy for that.  However, I myself was looking for an easy cop-out.  But did it change the fact that I was overweight?  Nope.

I finally decided WHY I wanted to lose the weight.  Heck yes the number on the scale terrified me, but that wasn't enough.  I wrote down things such as... I no longer wanted to weight 80 pounds more than my husband, I didn't want to feel negative about my body, I wanted to be a fit and healthy mom for my son, I wanted to finally get a family picture (I had put this off because of my weight), I wanted to be able to wear my wedding ring comfortably, etc.  Be specific.  Some of those things sound silly, but they helped me.  I had to set priorities.  I had to set a time I would work out.  I set mini goals (10 pounds at a time) and set rewards and consequences for my mini goals.  I set timeframes of when I wanted to hit each mini goal.  I told myself that I could buy a new pair of pants once I reached a certain weight.  I hung up my reasons on the fridge to constantly remind myself of why I was doing this.  I hung a picture of myself as a cheerleader as motivation.  Find every ounce of motivation you can, and make it work for you.

Also note that you need to reevaluate this often!  Just because you figure this out one day does not mean that you are set for life.  Reset the reasons as needed.  Recognize when you are losing motivation and REEVALUATE!

Last, but not least, take a picture!  I waited to take my "before" picture until I had already lost 40 pounds!  And believe it or not, as soon as I took that picture, I did not believe for a second that I really looked like that.  Fast forward to my after picture, and I was SO happy that I had taken that before picture.  I could see major progress.  It is a huge motivation for me to look at that picture and think, wow!  I've come a long way.  The amount of weight shown in my before/after picture is 50 pounds.  Can you imagine seeing the whole 92 pounds I've lost?  This motivation of the picture does help me realize that yes, I can lose 15 pounds more.