My Story

I didn't struggle with weight until I went to college. I was able to lose most of the weight by the time I got married, but then I gained 40 pounds. I kept relosing the same 10-15 pounds by running, but I quickly gave up because I would get so bored while working out! I dreaded putting on my workout clothes and running shoes. I greatly respect those that can and do run. I am not against it by any means, and I enjoy a 2 mile jog here and there. It is a great cardio workout, but I just never realized that it could not be MY main workout.
I had a baby and gained an additional 55 pounds. I lost the baby weight with the help of one of my friends, a Beachbody coach. Her motivation kept me going. I paid attention to my calorie intake, took my baby on walks in the stroller, did different workout videos during naptime, etc. It was a lot of work, and it paid off; however, I did not "look forward" to my workout. I just knew I needed to get it in.
Because I had been able to successfully lose weight, I knew it was possible. But, I needed a change. I knew I was going to "burn out" and the same cycle of losing and regaining could happen. Is it just me, or does anyone else get to the point where they literally say "screw it" and go have that big giant dessert? I had no idea what to do. I was losing motivation even though I had accomplished a major goal. My Beachbody coach had success with Turbo Fire, so I gave Turbo Jam (a more basic version) a try. Since the day I ordered Turbo Jam through Beachbody, my life has not been the same. I look forward to working out! Chalene Johnson is so inspiring and motivating. According to Chalene, I had found my "soul mate workout." I really do look forward to my workout. This isn't to say that every day I am chomping at the bit to get my workout in; but, as soon as I hit play, I am hooked. I have now completed Turbo Fire and have started ChaLean Extreme. I am also a certified Turbo Kick Instructor. I have also started Shakeology. At first I thought thought the price was not worth it. Boy was I wrong! It is delicious and tastes so much better than any other protein shake I've had. It is so filling as well.
On this blog, I will share tips and tricks I have found to help me succeed. I am not to my "ideal" weight yet, but I now have the confidence to get there! I finally understand that healthy eating and exercising has no finish line. You must make it part of your life in order to accomplish your goals. Nobody is perfect. I for sure am not. I finally had my aha moment when I realized that it is okay to make mistakes. Just pick yourself up and eat better tomorrow (or the rest of the day). It is okay to have a weak moment. Actually, having a "cheat" helps your body not hit a plateau, not to mention keeps you sane. I usually have a pep talk with myself (in my head) about how much dessert I will eat. Have a plan. I keep sandwich stuff in the fridge at work because I know dang well I won't be able to get ready and out the door with a lunch packed and ready to go. Find out what works for you! It has to fit in with your lifestyle!
I am here to help anyone needing help with their goals! I am a Beachbody Coach, a Turbo Kick instructor, an elementary teacher, and a mom. I know what it takes to balance life and healthy lifestyles. It is a constant battle, but is so worth the hard work! Follow me on Facebook for motivation and updates on Turbo Kick classes.

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